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English translation for "business permits"


Related Translations:
permit hanger:  通行证挂带
noise permit:  噪音许可证
removal permit:  搬移许可证搬运许可证
temporary permit:  临时通行证临时许可证
permitted band:  导带容许带允许范围
access permit:  进入许可证
purchase permit:  购买证准购证
sailing permit:  出航许可出航证开航许可证
transportation permit:  运输许可证转口准单转运许可证准运证
sushi permit:  寿司售卖许可证
Example Sentences:
1.The validity of the " temporary audit business permit " is lengthened from 6 months to 1 year
2.An advertising business permit has an original and a copy . both the original and the copy have the same legal effect
3.Article 6 : the state administration for industry and commerce shall be in charge of the regulatory work of advertising business permits
4.Article 4 : an advertising business permit is the legal certificate for an advertising business unit to engage in advertising business activities
5.Article 17 : advertising business units shall place the original of the advertising business permit at a prominent spot in the business premises
6.No work unit or individual may falsify , alter , lease out , lend out , sell or in another manner transfer an advertising business permit
任何单位和个人不得伪造、涂改、出租、出借、倒卖或者以其他方式转让《广告经营许可证》 。
7.License for fortune group nanjing facility : business license , hazardous material recycling permit including e - waste recycling , recycling business permit
8.Power supply enterprises shall not begin operation until they apply for and obtain the business licenses from the industrial and commercial administrations by showing the power supply business permit
9.If an advertising business permit is falsified , altered , leased out , lent out , sold or transferred in other manners , a fine of not less than rmb 3 , 000 and not more than rmb 10 , 000 shall be imposed
10.The establishment or alteration of trans - regional electricity service areas shall be examined by the administrative department of electric power under the state council , which , if approved , shall issue the power supply business permit
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